Idencia value for producers


Why is Idencia beneficial for managers?

One tool that has proven to be indispensable for plant managers is Idencia—a cutting-edge, cloud-based platform designed specifically for the manufacturing industry. Idencia offers a wide range of benefits that can significantly enhance the effectiveness and performance of plant managers. Here are the key reasons why plant managers need Idencia:

  • Plant managers are responsible for overseeing multiple aspects of a manufacturing facility, from inventory management to production scheduling and quality control.

    Idencia grants plant managers unparalleled visibility and control over these critical areas.

    Through its real-time tracking and monitoring capabilities, Idencia provides plant managers with up-to-date information about the status and location of assets, materials and finished products.

    This comprehensive visibility enables managers to detect potential bottlenecks, identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions that enhance productivity and minimize downtime.

  • Efficient asset management is vital for plant managers to ensure optimal utilization and maintenance of critical machinery and equipment.

    Idencia simplifies asset management by providing a centralized platform to track, monitor and maintain various assets throughout their lifecycle.

    By utilizing unique identification codes and RFID tracking technology, plant managers can effortlessly track the movement, usage and maintenance history of each asset.

    This not only minimizes the risk of equipment loss or theft but also enables managers to identify maintenance requirements in a timely manner, reducing unplanned downtime and maximizing asset lifespan.

  • Inventory management can be complex and challenging, especially for large manufacturing facilities with vast quantities of raw materials and finished goods.

    Idencia revolutionizes inventory control by digitizing the entire process.

    Plant managers can use the platform to accurately track inventory levels, monitor stock movements and streamline replenishment processes.

    With real-time inventory visibility, managers can proactively identify stock shortages, address supply chain issues and optimize inventory turnover. This ultimately leads to improved production efficiency, reduced waste and lower inventory carrying costs.

  • Maintaining high-quality standards is crucial for any manufacturing facility.

    Idencia facilitates robust quality control by enabling plant managers to monitor and track product quality throughout the production process.

    The platform allows managers to set specific quality parameters, record test results and report on these metrics.


Plant workers in the manufacturing industry can greatly benefit from using Idencia.

By eliminating manual paperwork and automating data collection, Idencia frees up workers’ time, allowing them to focus on more value-adding activities. Overall, Idencia’s digitization efforts empower floor plant workers by providing them with the necessary tools and resources to optimize their performance and contribute to the overall success of the organization. Here are some key advantages:

  • Idencia streamlines various processes, such as inventory management and asset tracking, by digitizing them.

    Workers can easily access tools to perform their jobs on mobile devices using the Idencia mobile app. With the ultimate tool in their pocket, time spent searching for equipment or materials is reduced.

    This efficiency ultimately allows workers to focus on their core tasks, improving overall productivity.

    By automating mundane tasks and leveraging user-friendly interfaces, organizations can foster a positive work environment that aligns with the preferences of the evolving workforce.

  • Idencia empowers plant workers to enhance safety protocols.

    Workers can uniquely identify machinery and equipment and ensure proper maintenance and repairs have been completed.

    By scanning unique identifiers on equipment or materials, workers can instantly access crucial safety information or maintenance records.

    This ensures that workers make informed decisions and adhere to proper safety guidelines, reducing potential risks on the job.

  • Idencia significantly empowers floor workers through the effective digitization of processes.

    By implementing advanced tracking and monitoring technologies, Idencia enables workers to seamlessly gather and access real-time data on the production floor.

    This not only enhances visibility and transparency but also empowers workers to make informed decisions quickly.

    The digitization of tasks ensures that plant workers can easily document and access critical information, allowing for streamlined workflows and increased productivity.

  • Younger individuals tend to be more attracted to companies that embrace digitalization.

    By implementing an advanced digital solution such as Idencia, manufacturing plants can position themselves as forward-thinking and technologically advanced employers, appealing to the digital-savvy younger workforce.

    For staff already working for you, the switch to digital data recording and workflows eases some of the manual burdens of their jobs as it is today.


In today’s fast-paced manufacturing landscape, plant owners face numerous challenges in optimizing operational efficiency and maintaining product quality.

With the advent of advanced technologies, the need for a reliable, end-to-end solution becomes paramount. Idencia, a leader in manufacturing asset management, offers a comprehensive platform tailored to address the unique requirements of manufacturing plant owners. By leveraging innovative technology and data-driven insights, Idencia unlocks a plethora of benefits that empower plant owners to enhance productivity, streamline operations and drive business growth.

  • One of the key advantages Idencia brings to manufacturing plant owners is its robust asset tracking and management capabilities.

    By utilizing RFID and barcode technology, Idencia enables real-time visibility and traceability of equipment, tools and products throughout the manufacturing process.

    This eliminates the need for manual tracking, reduces the risk of inventory shrinkage and minimizes production downtime caused by misplaced or faulty assets.

    The ability to pinpoint the location and status of assets at any given time enhances operational efficiency and empowers plant owners to make informed decisions to optimize resource allocation.

  • Maintaining product quality is vital for any manufacturing plant owner’s reputation and customer satisfaction.

    Idencia facilitates seamless quality control processes by providing real-time data capture and analytics. By integrating unique identifiers with product components, manufacturers gain accurate and automated insights into quality compliance throughout the production lifecycle.

    This streamlines inspection procedures, reduces errors and enables rapid response to potential quality issues.

    The ability to access historical data also facilitates root cause analysis, allowing plant owners to continuously refine their manufacturing processes for higher quality outcomes.

  • Plant owners bear the responsibility of ensuring equipment is well-maintained and promptly repaired to minimize downtime and maximize operational efficiency.

    Idencia offers proactive maintenance capabilities that enable plant owners to implement preventative measures, reducing the likelihood of unexpected breakdowns.

    By tracking equipment usage with Idencia, staying on top of equipment maintenance is easy.

    This preventative approach optimizes equipment uptime, reduces operational costs and extends the lifespan of assets, ultimately driving profitability for plant owners.

  • Idencia enables plant owners to effortlessly monitor material inventory levels, track the movement of goods and identify any potential bottlenecks or disruptions.

One of the key benefits of Idencia is its access to real-time data, which empowers plant owners to accurately forecast demand, anticipate fluctuations and adjust their production schedules accordingly.

    By optimizing resource allocation, the platform helps reduce waste, prevent overstocking or stockouts and ensures efficient resource utilization.

Idencia Management Portal
Idencia Mobile App

Idencia in a nutshell

Idencia is a product data tracking and plant management solution that provides tools for producers to streamline and optimize their operations. As a company, Idencia strives to benefit the precast concrete industry as a whole.

Idencia can save you time—and money

Think about the number of filing cabinets in your plant that you need to access on a daily basis? The amount of papers and information stored within those cabinets increases by the day.

With Idencia, all of your data is compiled digitally. Access the information with a quick search and have everything you need at your fingertips.

Check out our online ROI calculator to see how much you could save by going digital.

Idencia is the only solution for the precast concrete industry dedicated to product tracking. We take what would be manual processes and make them digital. But, what truly sets Idencia apart from other solutions that precasters are familiar with—our ability to be human.

We are honest and always seeking to better understand the pain points of the precast concrete industry, allowing us to get creative and provide helpful solutions. Our customer support team is unmatched and you will always have a friendly encounter when you seek assistance. We strive to provide a solution that is intuitive and simplifies the workflows of you and your workers.

Why choose us?

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(603) 541-7704