Production reports

  • This report displays a list of active Jobs and has several drill-down levels. Click on a Job to display information about the Custom Item Types in the job. Clicking a Custom Item Type will display the individual items of that type, and clicking a serial number will display information about the specific item.

    Customization, including adding your logo, additional product information, etc. is also available.

    Prerequisites: This report requires the use of Jobs.

  • This report provides a total count of items Loaded and items Shipped for each day within the selected date range, for the Item Types chosen in the drop down list.

    Prerequisites: Item Custom Properties that capture Pour Date, Loaded Date, and Shipped Date and one or more processes that set these values.

  • The Daily Production Chart is an interactive report showing the number of items started on each day within the reporting period. Selecting a day will display the list of items started that day and the status of each item. Selecting an item will display the Item Detail report for that item.

    Prerequisites: None

  • This report returns a list of all items in the selected status. Clicking a serial number will display the Item Details report for the serial number.

    Customization services are also available for this report. We can add your logo, include additional columns of information, change the sort order, etc.

    Prerequisites: An Item Custom Property for “Status”

  • This report provides a list of items where the last process was completed on the given date. Clicking a serial number will display the Item Details report for the item.

    Customization services are available for this report to add additional columns of data and additional search criteria.

    Prerequisites: None

  • This report will display a list of items in the selected process phase. Clicking a serial number will display the Item Details report for the given item.

    Customization services to add your logo, additional columns of information, etc. are available for this report.

    Prerequisites: None

  • A pie chart displaying the count of each item type produced in the given time period. Clicking a section of the chart will display the Items by Type and Date report for the selected type. Clicking a Serial Number will display the Item Details report for the serial number.

    Customization services to add your logo and additional columns of information are also available.

    Prerequisites: None

  • A bar chart summarizing the number of items started each day for a given time period. Clicking a bar in the chart will display the Items Started on Day report for the selected day. Clicking a Serial Number will display the Item Details report for the serial number.

    Customization services to add your logo, additional columns of information, or additional search criteria are also available.

    Prerequisites: None

  • This report lists the Custom Item Types for the selected Job, along with the number required, number produced, and the percent complete for each type. Clicking an Item Type will display the list of items produced of that type. Clicking a Serial Number will display the Item Details report for the serial number.

    Customization services are available to add your logo, additional columns of information, and additional search criteria.

    Prerequisites: This report requires the use of Jobs.

  • The Job Summary Report displays summary information about the selected Job or Jobs. It includes summary information about the quantity of items produced for a given Job, the number of items shipped, and the number of items left to produce. Clicking the “Show Details” option will provide a breakdown of quantities for each Custom Item Type within the job. It does not give information about the individual serial numbers produced or shipped.

    Additional customization, including your logo or additional job and item type information can be included for an additional fee.

    Prerequisites: This report requires the use of Jobs and Job Shipments.

  • The Active Job Summary report displays summary information about the selected jobs. Clicking the “Show Details” toggle will display additional information about each job. Only active jobs are available for selection when generating this report. Once a job is marked “Complete” it will no longer appear in the selection list.

    Customization services are available to add your logo, additional columns of information, or additional search criteria.

    Prerequisites: This report requires the use of Jobs.

  • This report provides a total item count for each day within the selected date range, for the Item Types chosen in the drop down list. Selecting a date total will display the Item Type Detail report for that date.

    Prerequisites: Item Custom Property that captures Pour Date.

  • The Daily Production Report displays the items produced in a given date range. Each production day can be expanded and collapsed to view that day's production work. Clicking a serial number will display the Item Detail report for the given item.

    Customization services for this report are also available. This report can be customized to include your logo, additional columns of data, etc.

    Prerequisites: None

  • This report displays items of the selected type that were created within the given date range. Clicking an item’s serial number will display the Item Detail report.

    This report can be customized to include your logo, additional columns, etc.

    Prerequisites: None

  • This report provides a chart summarizing the number of items that had processes completed each day over the given time period. Click a bar in the chart to display the Items Completed on Day report for the given day. Clicking a Serial Number will display the Item Detail report.

    Customization services are available to add your logo, additional columns of information, additional search criteria, etc.

    Prerequisites: None

  • This report displays a bar graph counting the number of items in each phase of each process. Clicking a bar in the graph will display the Items in Phase report for the selected phase. Clicking a Serial Number will display the Item Details report for the selected serial number.

    Customization services are available to add you logo and any additional columns of information you may need.

    Prerequisites: None

  • This report displays a list of items created (i.e., “started”) in your Idencia system on a given date. The Status column will indicate whether the item is in process (an incomplete process exists) or is complete (no process is currently open).

    Customization of this report is available for an additional fee (add your logo, add columns, reorder columns, etc.).

    Prerequisites: None

  • A simple report displaying Serial Numbers and Photos for the given time frame and picture name.

    Customization services are available to add additional information to this report.

    Prerequisites: None

  • A report summarizing the items produced in a given date range across all active jobs. The summary includes the count of items produced by custom item type, custom item type dimensions, total area, and whether or not the job is complete.

    Customization services to add your logo, additional pieces of information or additional selection criteria are also available.

    Prerequisites: This report requires the use of Jobs.

  • A dashboard of production charts with drill-down capabilities. Click a chart area to see detailed information about each summary item. Click the Serial Number links to see the Item Detail report for a given Serial Number.

    Customization services are available to change the displayed charts, add additional charts, and provide additional search criteria.

    Prerequisites: Dependent on the charts chosen for the dashboard